Welcome to Russian Politics! A site directed at learning about one of the worlds most powerful nations. Russia holds a permanent seat on the UN Security Council but regardless, they are still often criticized as having 'Cold War Hangover'. The transition from a Communist state into democracy has not been a fast, bloodless or easy journey and they can expect to struggle with the 2014 Olympic Games exposing Russia publicly once again. There is a price to pay for freedom.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Timeline of Terrorists Attacks (post Soviet Union)

Here is a link to an article from The Guardian which highlights all the major terrorists attacks in Russia since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The significance of this is that it highlights how as much as the Russian government wants to believe they are moving forward and getting rid of curruption in the country, a level of instability is still very much present. In a truly devolped and sucessful deomcratic nation, we don't have this many major bombings in our country. In the United States, the last major terrorist attack was 9/11. In Canada, we have only had threats but (knock on wood) our government has dealt with these threats appropriately.


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